Script's PvE / PvP
for World of Warcraft:
Battle for Azeroth 8.1
and Private server
World of Warcraft

Script provides easy PvP action with the variety
of Gladiator tricks. Solid PvE combat engine
follows reliable guides and simulations.
Every class / spec / talent is fully supported.
Frequent free automatic updates sensitive
to any in-game changes and community
suggestions. Easy to setup and run
with flexible options and friendly GUI.
Total players buys
24 087
Hey, my name is Alena Miller, from Russia

I am the owner of the company ProGladiator
We are developing game scripts
for World of Warcraft!

My idea: I always wanted to be in the arena
top, but above the 1750 rating could not rise
long years. I met a couple of programmers
and we put together a team for the project
ProGladiator. We created a unique game script,
thanks to which I was able to reach the 2200
rating, then the 2400 rating and have the rank
of Gladiator rank 1.

Now I want to share this with others.
World of Warcraft players.

BG / Arena Full AFK Bot
  • Currently is being
    updated for BfA
  • Automatically queues,
    accepts ready check, joins
    and leaves instances
  • Automatically moves your character in Arenas, BGs, Skirmishes or Dungeons
  • All Arenas and BGs
    are fully mapped
  • In Dungeons it follows
    the tank's steps
  • Performs situational auto CC using all possible spells available for your
    class / spec / talent
    build with settings per each
Totem Stomp
  • The routine gives a high priority for killing enemy totems
    when needed. Available
    for every class / spec
  • You can modify the list
    of totems to attack in the settings table
Stealth detect
  • Fires a stealthed enemy running nearby out as soon as it sees one even when a human can't react fast enough
  • Reacts on stealth events (Vanish, Prowl, ShadowMeld etc.) to fire the enemies out with AOE spells
Smart Fake
  • Routine attempts to fake enemy kicks with CD, LoS, range
    and other checks
  • Fakes based on previous successful enemy's kick cast %
  • Available for all healer specs
    and for RDPS when
    under attack
Auto Burst
  • Automatically uses all available burst abilities when the target is attackable and below the set HP value with other optional checks (e.g. enemy healer is CCed)
  • Can be forced by the burst macro
Auto Kick
  • The bot has a variety of kick settings and uses all available abilities to counter-spell enemies
Auto Dispel
  • The bot gives a high priority
    for dispelling teammates
    (CC and roots for melees)
    with a variety of settings
  • PvE dispel is also automated
Always Facing
  • Makes player attack any unit regardless if he faces him or not
  • The option significantly increases your DPS
Smart Pause
  • Pauses rotation at the moment when any non-movement key on keyboard is pressed
  • You can also force manual cast with special simple macros
DPS / Heal assistant
  • A special mode that lets you DPS when playing a healer or heal when playing a hybrid DPS class
Auto Mode
  • Automatically detects PvE or PvP environment
  • Automatically detects units packs to enable AOE
Positioning helper in arena
  • Draws a green line to team healer when playing a DPS class; it becomes red when out of range, LoS or CCed.
  • Draws a green line to all enemy DPS players when playing a Heal class; becomes red when one can kick you (range, LoS, CC, CD checks)
all classes work
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